Account Mapping and Posting Journals

In order to generate your posting journals from you daily activities you need to follow the steps below. See video for a full tutorial. PUSHING POSTING JOURNALS TO QBO Ensure your chart of accounts is set up in QuickBooks Online. Ensure your QuickBooks Account is connected to RugSimple. See Connecting QBO to RugSimple article on how to do this. Map your accounts in RugSimple to…

App Modes

KB Home App Modes allow the administrator to set up a series of profiles that correspond to sets of default variables that can be assigned to an employee based on how and where they are taking orders. The default variables are: Location Discounts (if any) Scheduler Type Payment Terminal See video on our Youtube channel for a full run-through.

Connecting to QuickBooks Online

In order to pass data from RugSimple to your QuickBooks Online accounting system, you first need to activate your developer account with QuickBooks. This will provide you with the necessary pass keys that will allow the two systems to talk. QUICKBOOKS SETUP Go to: Sign up for a developer account. Choose an sign up address of an employee with a long term commitment to…

Changing Company Logo

KB Home Changing Company Logo When you first launch your application there will be a place holder logo. You’ll need to delete it and replace it with your own. Go to >Settings >Portal Settings >Company Logo Delete existing logo and upload your own from you computer Optimal size for a company logo is 300px X 100px. Here is a video on exactly that: