KB Home Putting rugs “on approval” is when a customer take a rug to try it out in the home before processing any payment for it. Add a rug to the cart in the order In the Add Item window, select the location and quantity of the rugs (one-of-a-kind rugs would just be a value of 1). Check the “Set as Approval” and check “Approval…
Viewing Jobs In The Calendar
KB Home For easy viewing and visual understanding a Calendar exists to view Routes, jobs and understand anything that is unscheduled at a glance. It can be accessed via: Field Service –> Calendar Red are unassigned Jobs. Other colors represent different routes or services. The code nomenclature is: {ROUTE}-{JOBID}-{SERVICETYPE}-{STATUS} Where SERVICETYPE = Pickup, delivery, in home service, custom job, etc Clicking on the route will…
Activating A Job
KB Home Once a job has been created by / through an order, it still must be scheduled or “activated”. This responsibility typically falls on the office or dispatch manager. Go to Field Service –> Schedule Manager. You will see a new job under the date you set it for for the company to address. The tooltip can give you a quick glance at the…
From Order To Job
KB Home Jobs are a direct function of an Order of some kind for either Showroom or Cleaning. Orders that may create jobs include: Pickups Deliveries In-home cleaning Custom jobs In order for a job to exist, it has to have an order. To create an order and then job, click Order System and add a new order by clicking the “+” / Add icon…
Managing Schedules
KB Home After creating your Field Service Schedule for a day, it is time to create your Routes. Routes are paths that a vehicle and crew will take this day. The office / dispatcher can and should manage routes by territory, region or proximity of pickups, deliveries or services to each other, ideally, for the most efficiency. e.g. Truck 123 with crew ABC is servicing…
Adding A Schedule
KB Home To add a schedule, click the “+” / Add button at the bottom right Select the day for this schedule. It is defaulted / set to Open automatically Click Create and you will see the new schedule in the list (provided the date filter is set to the right date range. The schedule will be empty and added to your list:
Schedule Manager
KB Home Everything in Field Services starts with a Schedule. Office staff or dispatch managers maintain full control of daily or weekly schedules. This allows you to make decisions like: In-home cleaning only happens on Tuesday and Thursday Deliveries aren’t allowed on Mondays Allow two custom in-home jobs this Wednesday based on an important customer request This ensures that front of house staff don’t inadvertently…
Field Services Setup
KB Home Field Services setup is very straight forward. The RugSimple App requires vehicles that will then be assigned “jobs and routes” Each vehicle requires a staff member or “Crew” to address / command those vehicles on the jobs and routes Vehicle Setup As an administrator, scroll to the bottom of the menu and click Settings –> List Management. Scroll down to Field Services and…
Same Day Refunds
KB Home The refund process is tied to posting journals and accounting so, in 99% of the cases, a sale will be made, the transaction/order will be added to the posting journal batch, the batch will be closed and posted to Quickbooks. As such, in the above cases, a reversal must be made inside Quickbooks and the posting journals in order to balance the journals.…